Inaugural High School Ultramarathon National Championship
Each 4.167-mile loop starts precisely 1 hour after the last
Warnings will be given 3, 2, and 1 minutes before the start of each loop
All participants must be in the starting corral and start at the bell (no late starts)
Corral location stays the same throughout the race
Except for restrooms, competitors may not leave the course until each loop is completed
No non-competitors on the course (including eliminated runners)
No personal aid during a loop (each runner must be self sufficient while on the loop)
Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted (including the final lap)
No artificial aids (including trekking poles)
Slower runners must allow passes
The winner is the last person to complete a loop (in each division)
All others are technically DNF
Results of each runner in terms of distance covered are to be given
If no runner can complete one more loop than anyone else, there is no winner
Aid & Support
Runners have the option to bring a support crew but may only receive support after each loop
There will be no food or refreshments provided
Public bathrooms and water are available near the starting tent
Basic first aid supplies will be available at the starting tent
Space for parking and tents will be provided, but it is first come first serve
Volunteers will be posted at each road crossing for safety
A medic will be present at the starting area during the race for any medical related needs
A police officer will be present past 9:00 pm
High School Mens Champion
High School Womens Champion
Open Division Mens Champion
Open Division Womens Champion
Recognition will be given to all participants who run 7 laps, officially running an ultramarathon distance​
After each runner's final lap they will receive an award with their total covered distance in laps